
Check out the links to articles on the Brown University Ombuds website.  They’re fantastic tools meant to help you manage and resolve conflict.

  1. Changing Behavior

  2. Coping in Difficult Circumstances

  3. Drafting — and Perhaps Sending — A Private Letter to a Person Who Has Harassed of Offended You

  4. Elements of an Effective Apology

  5. Find Yourself the Mentoring that you Need

  6. “IsR3?” – A Problem-Solving Algorithm

  7. Keeping Notes, Writing a Diary

Other articles that could be helpful:

  1. Being Heard: Verbal and Mental Strategies for Getting Your Point Across

  2. We Have to Talk: A Step by Step Guide for Difficult Conversations

If your temple is interested to train a local ombuds person, we may be able to offer a distance learning option.  Please contact ISKCON Resolve if your ISKCON Community is ready to receive training and establish an ISKCON Resolve Ombuds office in your local area.